Concussions are an “invisible injury,” where often only the most severe cases cause enough structural damage to be detected using a CT scan or MRI.
However, many concussions cause impairment to a patient’s neurocognitive function that can be measured with objective data from the ImPACT test. This data can then be used as a tool to help determine how a patient’s quality of life has been affected.
Attorneys who manage concussion lawsuits are looking for multidisciplinary clinics
who can evaluate their patients and provide a comprehensive report of their injuries.
Since concussions are an “invisible injury” (a functional injury rather than a structural one), objective data about an individual’s neurocognitive function is necessary to demonstrate how a patient’s quality of life has been impacted.
Distinguish your personal injury clinic from others by offering attorneys objective data about patients’ neurocognitive deficits from their head injuries.
ImPACT is a computerized concussion assessment tool that generates a comprehensive clinical report that includes measurements of an individual’s cognitive functioning. This data objectively shows how the concussion has affected an individual’s brain function, validates the symptoms they’re experiencing, and provides rationale for a higher settlement.

ImPACT can help you distinguish your personal injury clinic from others by offering innovative concussion solutions for lawyers and chiropractors.
Our certified training program designed for healthcare professionals involved with personal injury concussion care. This training course will provide participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and understanding of the ImPACT Concussion Management Program. Participants will learn the ImPACT testing process and how to interpret the results, as well as the best practices for concussion assessment and management. Including a certification from ImPACT applications, valid for (1) year.

Fill out the form to learn more on becoming certified
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